Friday, September 20, 2013

7 Ways to Get Content thoughts from the customer

Sales People

Your client’s sales people are perhaps the best source of content ideas you can get. From their sales pitches, which would include information their customers need in order to select on a purchase to the ideal customer profile and more, they have all the info you need.
Specifically, ask them for such in sequence as:

amazing content
•    customer profile – who you will be marks for
•    customer pain points – what problems does the client answer solves
•    how your client solves them
•    some details about product usage
Based on those you can rapidly come up with a lot of useful “how to” type posts covering everything their target audience needs to know more about.

Most Common Customer investigation

Sales people, as well as the customer service team can expose the most common questions and problems prospects and vacant customers inquire about. These can be a good motivation for anything from how to posts, video overviews up to full blown, inbound marketing campaigns.

Most exclusive Customer Inquiries

Don’t stop there though. Find out what are the most rare, original customer inquiries your client receives about their product or a service. Since these might be fairly individual queries, your client’s competitor might not even be aware of such content ideas.
Even those topics might have a low search volume; content covering them might still bring a number of highly capable traffic to the site as there is a chance for a very low competition in SERPs.

Social Mentions

Quite often what other people say online about your client or their product or service can offer you with great content ideas. From product usage ideas to problems it had solved, the possibilities for content are continual.

Product or Service Reviews

A product review, regardless of whether it’s good or bad, can give you vast ideas for content. In fact, rewriting Amazon reviews is one of the ways many content marketers use to make copy for their websites.
But rewriting reviews is one thing, paying attention to what reviewers say about the product, how they use it and what their opinions about it are can offer an limitless pool of content ideas.


Generating content from testimonials works in a very alike way to doing so from reviews, however, with one, small difference. Testimonials are usually more personal and expose more about the user as well. They tell to one persons experience not only with a product but with a brand also, and offer a good insight into your target audience.
With testimonials you can find out what type of words your audience uses and thus expects from you. You can also find out whom actual people using the product are and you can use them to build marketing personas to goal with your content.

Support Calls

Lastly, the support calls your client receives can provide a plethora or content ideas. Why? Because they can disclose the very problems customers face when using a product.
Naturally, you will not be able to tap in to those calls to examine them but even a quick chat or a questionnaire sent to the customer service team can reveal everything you need to know in that stare.


Creating content on behalf of someone is not easy, fact. Similarly, creating content for a number of clients can pose rather a lot of problems, from content ideas to style. Yet, what many content marketers regularly forget is that their clients can be a real pool of ideas for both. All you need to know is where to look for that information.

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