Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Importance of Hash Tags on Social media

 In the early days, hashtags were only used by the social media untimely adopters. As understanding grew of how hashtags work, they became widely embraced by the advertising and advertising production. Today, the hashtag is part of pop background.

Search Happens – Everywhere
Hashtags are an efficient method to discover content related to specific topics, as well as the people talking about those topics.

Just as searches are conducted on platforms other than Google, Bing, and Yahoo, search also happens on social platforms. People search every day on Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, YouTube, and other social platforms using words and hashtags with achievement.

When you optimize conversations, content, and updates with hashtags, they will be converted into more visible to others on social media platforms and search engines.

Hashtags in Search
Recent Google updates have amplified visibility of hashtags in organic search results on as well as Google+ as established by the results of a Google search inquiry for #milliondollarwebsites used to promote my book and Google+ Community.

 #SocialMediaTips for Using Hashtags
Hashtags can be very powerful when you understand how to make them work for you. You can use them on a range of platforms, represented in this graphic by this graphic.


Want to know what your customers are talking about, what your competitors are doing, or how the media is treating a specific theme related to your product or service? Hashtags are extremely useful in identifying the frequency and reach of topics, discussions, and tapping into audience feeling.

Facilitate chat
Hashtags are a great way to get people talking, and let them jump into the debate. Hashtags are often among the most accepted topics on various social platforms. Google+ calls them 'Hot Topics', and Twitter displays Trending.

 This is an easy way to identify all the rage streams of conversation that may be relevant to your goals, offering a way for you to insert yourself into the conversation and expand your social network.

Keep in mind that Facebook isn't as clear with hashtag activity, and LinkedIn doesn't yet recognize hashtags.

Deal out Breaking News, Emergency Instructions and Information Related to Natural Disasters
For years, hashtags have been used to modernize communication around situations where other mediums of communication such as television, radio and print are not accessible or effective in reaching audiences.

Support an Event or Conference
This is maybe one of the greatest tools for event planners to pre-promote an event, promote the conference during the event and keep people connected after the event. 

Use Hashtags to make Consumers
Hashtags are also a great way to current special offers, anchor campaigns, and help customers promote the brand. Deciding which hashtags to use, or finding hashtags related to conversations you wish to join requires a little bit of research, as trending hashtags can change quite frequently.

Hashtags are valuable when used properly. Below are a few resources to get you started in identifying and using hashtags to enlarge your reach and visibility online.


The hashtag more than a collection of typescript – it is a tool to be used to reach new audiences, connect like-minded people, and facilitate streams of conversation.

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