Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quality Content for Backlink Purposes

What is Quality Content for Backlink Purposes?

Quality content is going back to the fundamentals of SEO.  It means given that an amazing user experience for everyone involved. Quality content is as simple as having an easy-to-use process for finishing a conversion and finding information that people want to share. It adds value and gives actionable items without a ton of fluff or filler. It is also something that will request to and be informative to your user base, the person shopping, and to the journalists and bloggers that write for your industry’s trade publications and blogs.

Now think about how I defined quality content and look at how you can apply it to the three link building strategies below.

1. build Backlinks with Video & Technology.

 Once you make a video, select the apps that are most relevant for the content.  Once you place the video inside the player, you can use the YouTube app to flow other videos from your series so that people can see you are able to back up your knowledge with more detailed videos about the same topic.  Also, make sure you orientation different episodes or resources on your website within the videos so people know where to find them.  Viewbix takes this a step additional with their list app which lets you open the app midroll and display a link, description, and image to the exact locations you are referencing. If you don’t want to interrupt the video, you can set the list app to unlock at the end to display everything you referenced giving the viewers a way to find your resources, share them and hopefully link to them instead of your video.
What is the List App?
The list app lets you upload a list of images, metaphors, and trackable links to your video. By using the list app, you can link to the high quality posts you orientation within your video, plus any infographics, or anything else you location in the video. By having the list app open at specific times during the video, people can find the relevant pages and income within your website if they want more information.

2.  How to Build Backlinks with Webinars.

Everyone spits out webinars as a link building method, but I haven’t seen many people who are able to really make it work. An management from a large company may be able to get a million people to listen, but regularly when I hear someone higher up speak, it is a ton of fluff and means people are less likely to link to you. in its place, they link to the Executive or “Authoritative Voice” site, to your webinar sign-up form (on another site), or anywhere but your own url.  Use the big name to draw a lot of people, but also have people who work in the field for a living give actionable items while playing nice with the “Expert”. This will result in higher class content that users will actually want to reference.
Things to remember for generating backlinks from Webinars.
There are little things to keep in mind when using webinars produce quality backlinks:
•    Have actionable items people can take away with the resources available on your website.
•    Host the report and information about the webinar on your site so as people share they come to you.
•    Make sure to have internal links to applicable resources on your site for the panel members to review before the webinar and be able to situation during it.
•    Have the webinar signup, listen, and download pages on your site.  If it exists on your site, when people share and link to it, you obtain the social signals and backlinks.
•    learn to include social sharing apps on the webinar download page if it is special from the sign-up page.
•    Link to guides, resources, and infographics that reinforce topics from the webinar on your site from the sign up, listen to, and download pages. Do not hold spammy content!
•    Contain links when one of the resources on your site is mentioned so listeners can see them.
•    Make sure to mention your url, thank everyone for attending, and remind them when and where the recording will be accessible.
3.  Building backlinks with traditional PR.

Keep in mind in the stone ages when people read these magical things called books and magazines that were made from dead tree byproducts?  These paper things were a huge way to get people to find your brand.  They would find you in magazines and newspapers and then pick up this other magical device called a land line telephone.  At some point there was a person called an machinist that would connect you with the person you were trying to reach. 

Pitching newsites with bylines & article ideas.

In the past, appearing in these publications would carry more awareness and drive more calls and foot traffic to your store.  In current times, we call these visitors, links, and traffic. It’s really that simple. You also buy ad space in the publication or pitch an idea to a journalist to write about a topic and take in you. Think about what traditional PR firms did before the internet and tie those practices back into your link building strategies.

 Even if guest posting was dead, which I candidly believe it is not, there are plenty of other ways to make and draw high quality links to your site. Use technology to improve your current marketing and help people find out the great content and income available on your site.  If you do webinars, think about how you can incorporate the resources your site provides into the conversation. You also want to consider to go back to your basics. Sometimes using usual and offline marketing is the best way to attract the right audience and get you high quality backlinks. Tradeshows, direct mail, and even standard media pitches are great ways to build buzz and drive high quality and authoritative links.

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